Agreement with Nouns of Amount

Agreement with Nouns of Amount: A Guide for Copy Editors

As a copy editor, it is important to ensure that the text you are working on not only looks good, but also follows the rules of grammar and language. One area where many writers make mistakes is in agreement with nouns of amount, also known as collective nouns.

Collective nouns are singular nouns that represent a group of things or people, such as “team,” “family,” or “herd.” When using collective nouns, it is important to remember that they can be singular or plural depending on the context in which they are used.

For example, if you are referring to a team as a group, you would use the singular noun: “The team is playing well.” However, if you are referring to individual members of the team, you would use the plural noun: “The team are all wearing their new uniforms.”

The same is true for other collective nouns, such as “family.” If you are referring to the family unit as a whole, you would use the singular noun: “The family is going on vacation.” However, if you are referring to individual members of the family, you would use the plural noun: “The family members are all excited to go on vacation.”

Another important thing to remember when using collective nouns is that they may be modified by words that indicate quantity, such as “a lot” or “few.” When these words are used, the noun following them should be plural.

For example, “A lot of people were at the concert” is correct because “people” is plural, while “A lot of person was at the concert” is incorrect because “person” is singular.

Similarly, “Few teams made it to the playoffs” is correct because “teams” is plural, while “Few team made it to the playoffs” is incorrect because “team” is singular.

In conclusion, as a professional, it is important to pay attention to agreement with nouns of amount or collective nouns. By following these simple rules, you can help ensure that the text you are working on is grammatically correct and easy to read. Remember to use singular or plural nouns depending on the context, and to make sure that any quantity-indicating words are followed by the appropriate noun form. With these tips in mind, you can create polished and professional content that meets the highest standards of language and grammar.