Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement Exercises

Pronoun and antecedent agreement is a fundamental rule of grammar that every writer must understand. A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun, while an antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers. When using pronouns, it is crucial to ensure that they agree with their antecedents in terms of gender, number, and person.

To help you master the skill of pronoun and antecedent agreement, there are several exercises that you can do. These exercises will not only improve your writing skills but also enhance your understanding of grammar rules. Here are some exercises that you can try:

1. Identify the Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement Errors

The first step in learning pronoun and antecedent agreement is to identify errors in sentences. In this exercise, you read a sentence and identify any errors in pronoun and antecedent agreement. For example,

Incorrect: Sally loves their dog.

Correct: Sally loves her dog.

2. Rewrite Sentences to Correct the Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement

This exercise involves rewriting sentences to make sure that the pronoun and antecedent agreement is correct. For instance,

Incorrect: The dog wagged their tail.

Correct: The dog wagged its tail.

3. Multiple Choice Questions on Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement

Multiple-choice questions are an effective way to test your knowledge of pronoun and antecedent agreement. In this exercise, you are given a sentence, and you need to choose the correct pronoun to replace the noun. Here is an example:

Choose the correct pronoun:

The girl wants to play with ____ dolls.

a. Her

b. Their

c. Its

d. His

The correct answer is “a. Her.”

4. Identify Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement in Paragraphs

This exercise involves reading a paragraph and identifying any errors in pronoun and antecedent agreement. For instance,

Incorrect: The doctor said they would be back in a minute, but they never returned.

Correct: The doctor said he would be back in a minute, but he never returned.

In conclusion, mastering pronoun and antecedent agreement is essential in writing. With these exercises, you can sharpen your skills and build your confidence in using pronouns effectively. Remember to always check for agreement between your pronouns and antecedents to ensure that your writing is clear and concise.